Do your URLs describe the pages content?
Is your URL of optimal length?
Do you have canonical URLs where relevant?
Do you have a page title?
Is your page title of optimal length?
Do your pages have meta descriptions?
Are your meta descriptions the optimum length?
Do your page have headings H1 - H6?
Do all your images have ALT tags?
Is your text/HTML ratio optimum? 15%
Does your website have iFrames
Is flash detected on your site?
Does your site utilise microformats markup?
Does your site utilise Schema.org markup?
Does your site have Open Graph objects?
Do you have a Twitter Card?
Does your site have a valid AMP version?
Is your viewport meta tag value compatible with most of mobile browsers?
Do you have a Robots.txt?
Do you have an XML Sitemaps?
Do you have a specific language (en) specified?
Do you have a specific Doctype?
Does your site declar a character/language encoding?
Do you have Google™ Analytics?
Do you have a favicon?
Why choose us for your audit?
What is a website & social media audit?
Save time and make more money with a website and social media audit.
Why? We are fast, reasonably priced and clear.
We are a small business ourselves, we also hire consultants on aspects of business that we are not proficient in. So we understand the importance of for a SME service provider to be fast in their responses, reasonably priced and to be clear in the reports and on how action can be taken on the back of their advice.
We'll assess your website and social media. Then we'll recommend how to optimize it in order to increase your ROI.
An audit by us is aimed to save you time, save you money and increase revenue.​
Follow the usual online payment process or email us if you have any further querys. We will then email you back with an audit.
We endeavor to assess your site and perform an exhaustive audit within 2-10 days, depending on your sites complexity.